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Sex Buyers Do Not Care.
You Should.

In partnership with the The Avery Center for Research & Services, New Yorkers for the Equality Model placed two decoy ads (targeting areas across New York State) on a popular website that facilitates prostitution. The voicemail associated with the ads made clear the woman was under control of a pimp and in deep distress. Watch and listen to see how the prospective sex buyers reacted.


Mitha Choudhury is the Program Coordinator for the EMPOWER Center in NYC, a multi-disciplinary health center for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE). Mitha has worked with survivors of sexual violence, sexual exploitation and human trafficking in both the UK and now the US. She is passionate about educating people about the realities and dangers of the sex trade. 

Animation and Production: Mitha Choudhury (NYFEM Coalition member)  

Voiceover: Audio provided by Avery Center for Research & Services

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